Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Worthwhile trip

A chap came in to tell me about his trip to the defunct Bookbarn down near Bristol.

Having seen it on the local news he travelled about 130 miles to grab 6 bags of free paperbacks having spent a happy couple of hours climbing over piles of discarded books. He was amazed that I hadn't had the initiative to go down and replenish my stock. I pointed out to him, that on my one trip to Bookbarn I had been saddened to find that there wasn't a single book I would want, even if free, as they were all so dirty, out of date and largely ex-library or collapsing.

"Well I was happy with my hoard, and all free" (I don't think a days time and about £15-30 in petrol has entered the equation) "so I won't be in to buy any books for a while"

I think I shall cope with this - I don't think he ever has brought anything here anyway.

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