Thursday, January 08, 2009

Even More Thanks

To the "gentleman" who on finding a First Edition from the 1930's, with pictorial end papers but missing a blank page before the half title, decided to haggle.

"how much for this book"

"Well sir, it is normally only £6, as it is missing a blank, so in the sale it is £3"

"so how much will you knock off for me because of the blank missing"

"No sir, that is why it is normally £6 rather than £10-15. at the moment it is £3."

"So you won't do it for £2 for me, or give me another book of similar age so that I can remove a blank page and bind it into this one"

I declined. (Then had a row with him a few hours later when he accosted me in a shop in town, to tell me loudly how extortionate my books are).

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